Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Friend of the Beautiful Musician

Despite what some people say I could hear her play all day.
She is inside of the heart not the mind.
It is easy to become resigned to the dubious, the unkind.
Don't let them get you down.

Fair weather carries you.
Dreaming about secrets and worth.
And a silent voice, so small, still speaks to you.
Breaking the larger, overwhelming agenda.

So many times you wonder why no one helps you.
Instead they turn their backs or try to make you do what you do not want to do.
Alone, still proud, no one can take your earnings.
It is not you, you never sold your friends out, they sold out.

And often when you lay on the couch, with your two best friends, you think of what will make your parents proud.
And maybe no one, not even your closest allies, understand what you've done.
Mostly alone, with no one.
And you cry because you know you've won.

Now you never have to show the world that you are the brightest gem.
You don't have to prove you're the strongest.
In the home you create you are always safe and protected.
And it is actually a relief!

Beyond the grasp of your sinister sister you are underwhelmed.
Misunderstood for so long by a grandiose plan.
A ploy to use your resources, your willingness, and even your joy.
Now you're at ease with one lucky boy.

Order is reinstated and all the progress counts.
There can come a day when the hurt is gone.
Our decisions show who is friend and who is foe.
Peaceful and beautiful, there is no sedition to show.

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