Monday, May 26, 2014

Hungry for More?

Are you hungry for more?
I'm not
I don't want a second helping
I don't want another round
Cheapened over time, I'm earning it back

Earning it back means--
Not engaging in popularity contests
Only stalking people occasionally on social media
Not capitalizing on what could be sexy
And never under any circumstances selling out

People repeat patterns and I watch from a distance
A safe distance
I don't seek validation
If it comes from hard work I embrace it
I don't want male attention

I know I don't need as many treats
To get me through
I may be down for the count technically
But I am stronger than you
I don't know who is "you"

Maybe it's boring to some
Seriousness--how boring
Conjecture...but no evidence
Welcome to the dungeon
My treasures are keys and pen

Couples surround themselves in hearts
Protected by love
I see them conjoined, walking by
Ah, the safety of codependency
I can't believe it, but I'm not jealous

And what I have now is new to me
I have nature outside my window
I have animals around me
I have simplicity

Where in the past something was so complicated
I have clarity
Preservation of the arts
A candle
To my soul

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